73 Best Classroom Setup Ideas for Back to School
It’s that time of year again, time to get your classroom set up for back to school. In this post I'll give you the best classroom setup steps to create an amazing classroom this year and to really optimize the learning environment for your students. Hope you can gleam some inspiration from the amazing classrooms featured in this post and try some of these ideas in your class this year!
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Classroom Setup Ideas and Inspiration
Here are the classroom setup ideas that you'll discover in this post.
- The best ideas to arrange student desks and layout your class.
- How to add flexible seating options in your class.
- How to setup an efficient library.
- Inspiration for creating a reading nook.
- Classroom organization ideas including storage and organizing class supplies.
- Creative classroom management ideas to make your life easier.
- What you should display at the front of the class.
- Ideas for calendars, whiteboards, teacher carts and more!
Classroom Layout Setup
The first thing you'll want to consider for your classroom setup is how to layout your space. A new school year is a great time to experiment with a new classroom layout.
Here are things to consider when planning your classroom design.
- How much classroom space do you have?
- What is your teaching style?
- What is the best way to increase student engagement with your setup?
- What kind of tech will you include in your class this year?
- Be sure to add spaces for individual work.
- Include areas for small group work.
- What designs work well based on your grade level?
- How can you include sections for teacher led stations?
- What different activities will your class be doing?
- What flexible seating options will work best for your students?
- Be sure to create a space just for you.
- What important resources do you want to feature in the front of the class?
- What can you add to create a welcoming classroom environment?
- Make sure you have a clear exit to the classroom.
1 | Classroom Layout Planning
Before you physically re-arrange your classroom plan out your new setup on paper or on the computer. To find what works best for student desk arrangement color code areas for independent work, group workstations and teacher led stations.
A great way to do this is with Canva. Canva is an online graphic design tool. Here’s how to setup your classoom layout with Canva
- Go to Canva
- Search whiteboard (this will create an interactive whiteboard for you)
- Go to elements and add shapes to represent the desks.
- Change the size and color to get it just how you want it.
- Then click on the shape and the plus button and it will duplicate it.
- Add as many as you need and then move them around your whiteboard
- Use this technique to add doors, windows, your desk, tables, your class whiteboard or anything else.
If you’re not familiar with Canva you can check out this post where I explain more about it and tell you how you can get a free account. Canva for Teachers: Your Easy Guide to Get Started
Check out some different classroom layout ideas below.
2 | Classroom Seating Arrangements with Desk Groups
These desks are grouped in clusters of 6 each with their own supply caddy. Each student is provided a desk name tag, a class information sheet and a card from the teacher.
3 | Group Desk Layout Idea with Storage
Consider adding desks in small groups and for each group include a storage area. This storage section can include shared school supplies and books and assignments.
4 | Classroom Setup Ideas with Tables
When setting up your tables here’s a hack to keep the supplies neat. Create a labeled tote for each table with lock top lid containers for supplies also labeled with the table number.
5 | Individual Student Desks
You may consider adding a section of your room with single desks to use when students are working on individual work or for tests. Space desk apart to limit distractions.
6 | Desk Arrangement Teacher Hack
If your student desks are constantly shifting considering adding tape around them so that you and students know exactly where they should go. You can even color code the tape for example in this classroom:
- green is for student’s workspace,
- red is the teacher area, so students don’t crowd &
- yellow shows students where to stand when working on the smart board.
7 | Combine Storage and Function
Take a cue from Brook, a teacher that specializes in literacy and STEM and combine storage and function in your classroom. Her husband designed this “maker shop” which is a play and storage table.
It has a dry erase tabletop, header board, magnetic dry erase wall on one end and a LEGO wall/green screen on the other end. There are storage bins on the top as well.
Flexible Seating Options
Since students learning need are all so different it's a great idea to incorporate some flexible seating options in your class. Some of the most common flexible seating options are:
- Floor Cushions
- Wobble stools
- Bean bags
- Floor Desks
- Throw pillows
Check out some classroom setup ideas that incorporate flexible seating below.
8 | Set up a Flexible Seating Choice Chart
Image Source | mrsmunchsmunchkins
A flexible seating choice chart was created by a teacher from Oklahoma, Mrs. Munch, as a way to give students the power to choose what learning space works best for them.
If you want to copy this idea in your class, here's how it works:
- On a magnetic board add a picture of all of your class seating options, both traditional and flexible.
- Add student names to round magnets.
- Under each option have circles that represent how many students can sit there.
- At the beginning of the day students can place their magnet on the spot that they want to sit for the day in addition to their individual desks.
- Students have to change each day.
9 | Comfortable Group Work Seating Options
Comfy options like this are a great place for group work.
10 | Floor Cushions and Pillows
Throw pillows are a great option, that is both inexpensive and space saving to add flexible seating to your class library or a reading nook in your class.
11 | Inexpensive Flexible Seating Idea
Tiny stools from the Dollar Tree and plastic tables from Target create another seating option for students in this elementary classroom.
12 | Storage Seating Idea
Image Source | brittanyjeltema
For those of you with small classrooms consider adding flexible seating options that also include more storage.
Get a Classroom Bundle
If you like everything in your classroom to match getting a printable classroom bundle that includes all of your classroom posters, and organization is a great way to go. Many teachers like to get a bundle to refresh their class for the new year.
Editable Pastel Classroom Decor Bundle
I created this pastel bundle for teachers that want to have that coordinated classroom feel in a soft pastel color scheme. Here is what is included in this bundle:
- Editable Classroom Job Display
- Editable Birthday Displays
- Editable Classroom Calendar Display
- Editable Classroom Rules
- Editable Classroom Schedule
- Flip Calendar
- Calm Corner Posters
- Classroom Affirmation Station
- Color Posters
- World Map
- Growth Mindset Posters
- Editable Teacher Toolbox Labels, (Variety of Sizes & Choices)
- Editable Supply Labels
- Editable 10 & 12 Drawer Rolling Cart Labels
- Editable Binder Labels
- Editable Table Labels
- Shape Posters
- Voice Level Posters
- Editable Desk Name Tags
- Number Line
- Skip Counting Posters
- Number Posters
- 100 Poster
- Alphabet Posters
- Hand Signal
- 50 Choices Bulletin Board Borders!
- 16 Unique Bulletin Board Letters!
- Graphics for Bulletin Board
- Editable Bulletin Board Banners
- Editable Meet the Teacher Templates
- Editable Classroom Newsletter Templates
- Editable Teacher Header & Signature
- Editable Classroom wish list (Plus, how to add a custom QR Code!)
If you like this pastel classroom bundle you can find it here in my Etsy shop. Here are some of the other classroom bundles I've created.
Set Up a Classroom Library
You all need a classroom library, why not make it functional and beautiful? Get ready to be inspired, I've found a few amazing classroom libraries to give you great ideas to get the perfect one set up in your class.
13 | Display Your Favorite Books
The white shelves in the picture above make this library look bright and beautiful. I love how this teacher displays a few of her favorite books on the top shelf. It looks like such an inviting place to find the perfect book!
14 | Color Coded Shelves
Having a single-color container on each shelf will help the kids place the containers in the right spot and it also looks pretty, win, win!
15 | Bins for Easy Access
I love how this teacher puts all the new books in library bins on the top shelf. The read sign and the plant add a homey touch to this class library.
16 | Top Shelf Display
This library has so much personality. I love the idea of making the top shelf a display for books, art and other fun stuff that the kids will love.
17 | Rainbow Colored Bins
If you read my blog, you know that I'm a huge fan of the rainbow color scheme. This library nails it, enough said.
18 | Fun Classroom Library
I saved my favorite for last. The details in this library are amazing. I love the pink cart, so the kids know where to return the books and how cute is the pillow container? Students can grab their favorite pillow and book, get comfy and read.
What student wouldn’t want to spend some time in here?
Best Amazon Finds for Your Class Library
Below are some of my favorite containers to keep your bookshelf looking as picture perfect as the ones I just showed you.
If you want some more ideas to create an Awesome Classroom Library, then check out this post...10 Epic Classroom Library Ideas
Get Organized
It helps to start the year being as organized as you can. That way your students know where everything goes. I think when it looks nice, it gives you and the students extra motivation to keep it that way too.
These teachers have found a way for organization to be beautiful. Read on to discover ideas to organize all the stuff, find the perfect containers, labels, file folders and more.
19 | Pretty Bins & Teacher Cart
This teacher has got her pretty bins and teacher cart ready to get filled up! There's a lot of inspiration in this beautiful space.
20 | Student Data File Box
Get a student data file box set up. You can add bright folders to make it look pretty. Take a cue from this teacher and number the students so you don’t have to re-do all of your labels next year.
21 | Pretty Custom Labels
Here's another example of how creating custom labels can make organizing beautiful. These labels are a work of art!
22 | Thoughtful Bookshelf Organization
You can make an ordinary bookshelf look clean, organized and pretty when you coordinate colors, are thoughtful of the placement of everything and leave space for your stuff.
23 | Weekly File Box Organization
Another great use for a file box, you can organize your lesson plans by week for the entire school year.
24 | Dollar Store Organization
This classroom is full of dollar store organization finds. I especially love the small clear containers on the second shelf. These would be perfect for organizing small bright supplies like tacks, erasers or paperclips.
25 | Organization Within a Color Scheme
This is one of my favorite classrooms there's so much inspiration here. I love that this teacher kept with a simple color palette of green, black and white. It makes the room look so put together.
I also love the containers on the bookshelf and the storage basket for comfy seating.
26 | Color Coded Organization Bins for Each Student
Each student’s class notebook is color coded for their personal container, brilliant! Plus, the kids would love these cute caricatures that look like them.
27 | Turn in and Take Home Bins
Create a turn in bin and a take home mailbox for your students with file boxes and file folders. This keeps the papers contained and organized in one spot.
Organize Classroom Supplies
What to do with all those school supplies? If you get the organization for these set up right at the beginning of the year and train the kiddos to put everything in it's place, your life will be a little easier. We all love that, right?
These teachers have found gorgeous ways to keep all the stuff in it's place and looking amazing.
28 | Play-Doh Containers for Marker Organization
This is a clever use of Play-Doh containers to organize markers.
29 | Clear Containers & Colorful Labels
These small containers with lids with a colorful label are perfect to keep all the supplies tidy.
30 | Create a Mini Teacher Toolbox
This mini teacher toolbox with the pretty labels is the perfect place for all of those little things like paperclips, erasers, glue sticks, staples and other miscellaneous supplies.
As a bonus this adorable pineapple has storage too! It’s nice to see someone else who loves pineapples.
Later in this post I'll show you more ideas and inspiration to create your own teacher toolbox.
31 | Bulletin Board Border Organization
Here's a great idea to organize those bulletin board borders. You could also use magnetic hooks on a magnetic board and binder clips to do the trick.
I have a ton more Classroom Organization ideas for you here...83 Best Classroom Organization Ideas
Maximize the Front of Your Classroom
The front of the room is an ideal space to put important information that your students need daily. Whether you use a whiteboard, a large tv, projector screen or chalkboards you’ll want to plan how to maximize this space. Here are some things you may want to add to your information board at the front of the class.
- Date
- Class Schedule
- Rules and Classroom Expectations
- Classroom Jobs
- Important announcements for the week.
Let’s check out how other teachers have optimized this space in the front of their class.
32 | Organized Classroom Resources
If you want to copy this amazing classroom setup then include these resources for students at the front of your class:
- The Alphabet
- Shapes
- Clocks
- A sheet for Calendar grid observations
- A pocket chart calendar
- A Whiteboard that you can update with current assignments
33 | Classroom Procedures
The front of the classroom is a great spot to remind students of classroom procedures. It also is the perfect spot to add small bookshelves to display the next book you’ll be reading to the class.
34 | Flip Calendar on Whiteboard
A flip calendar is an easy way to remind students of today’s date. Then add a magnetic bin to hold supplies. Your students will love fun touches like cute pet head accessories on your display and pretty borders too.
If you want to try a flip calendar in your room, you can get a magnetic rod with rings here. Then get a printable classroom flip calendar set, the one pictured below can be found here.
Printable Flip Calendar
Easy Classroom Management Ideas
Next let's check out some classroom setup ideas that you can incorporate into your classroom design that will make classroom management a little easier for you.
35 | Portable Whiteboard Easel
If you don’t have one consider adding a mobile whiteboard easel to your classroom this year. You could use this for small groups, writing lessons and even as a place to hang your anchor charts. Just wheel it to wherever you need it.
36 | Create a Portable Teaching Station
Kirstie, a fourth-grade teacher from Montana has created a portable teaching station with this adjustable height mobile table. She rolls it to wherever she is teaching in the classroom and it holds her iPad, supplies, teaching manual, beverage and anything else that she needs.
Set Up a Teacher Cart
If you read my blog, you know that I'm big on this one. I just love an organized teacher cart, and I know I'm not alone.
Below is a little inspiration for you to get your teacher cart organized and if you don’t have one yet, I got you covered too, below are the top finds for teacher carts and where to get them.
37 | Rainbow Teacher Cart
Add matching labels to your rainbow teacher cart to step up your organization game.
38 | Daily Teacher Cart
Another great idea is to designate a drawer for each day, with a few to spare for miscellaneous papers like to copy, to file, to grade and anything else you need to stay on track.
39 | Reading & Math Carts
This teacher has one cart for reading and one for math, just wheel it out when the lesson starts and have everything you need at your fingertips.
The Best Teacher Carts on Amazon
Below are my favorite teacher carts and where to find them.
If you want more ideas to create a teacher cart, I wrote an entire post on it. You can find it here...The One Thing You Need In Your Classroom This Year
Set up a Spot to Display Student Work
So, you don’t have any student work yet, not a problem. Take a cue from these teachers and get the wall space ready to go for their amazing work.
Bonus, if you make it look as gorgeous as these teachers your students will be motivated to make their work onto your masterpiece wall.
40 | Our Brightest Work Display
To create “our brightest work” display you can use colored sheets of paper and then place their work on each sheet.
42 | Masterpieces Bulletin Board
You could easily re-create this masterpieces bulletin board to display student work. Add a tassel banner for a playful accent.
Create an Epic Calendar
So, part of setting up your room for the year is creating a monthly or weekly and often a more detailed daily calendar so your kids know what to except when in the class.
Below are some of my favorite classroom setup ideas for calendars.
43 | Printable Calendar Bulletin Board
To create this calendar, you can customize printables in your classroom theme. Simply find the images that you want and then place numbers over them to create your huge monthly calendar.
You could also find pre-made printables on Pinterest or Etsy. If you're a real go getter you can change your theme every quarter if not, then just re-arrange the numbers each month.
44 | Birthday Calendar Bulletin Board
This is a fun idea to create a birthday calendar. The best part may be the ice-cream cone garland banner. You can find a similar one here.
If you're looking for more fun ideas to setup a birthday display in your classroom then check out this post... 41 Creative Birthday Chart Ideas for the Classroom
45 | Best Finds for Your Classroom Calendar
Below are some of the best finds to create an epic calendar in your class this year.
Label Your Teacher Toolbox
Have you created a teacher toolbox yet? If you haven’t heard of it, it's an efficient way to get everything organized and it looks amazing too. If you don’t have your toolbox yet read on to find out where you can get one.
If you're crafty you can create your own custom labels and if not read on to find out where you can buy gorgeous labels for your teacher toolbox.
46 | Tropical Themed Teacher Toolbox
This teacher created beautiful tropical theme labels for her toolbox.
47 | Lemon Teacher Toolbox
Here are some fun lemon labels created by the same talented teacher.
48 | Colorful Teacher Toolbox
These labels are great for youngers students because they include pictures and words.
Best Picks for Your Teacher Toolbox
Below are some of my favorite finds for teacher toolboxes and beautiful labels.
If you want more ideas for setting up your teacher toolbox check out this post-Teacher Toolbox Create the Perfect One for Your Classroom
Creative Classroom Setup Ideas
Now let's check out some creative ways to setup your room. Why not create a home like atmosphere for your kids to truly build that community feel in your classroom? One way to do this is to add home furniture and decor in your class.
What I love about this idea is you can get really creative with how you want to do this. You can start small with wallpaper, a statement rug or cute throw pillows or go all out with a couch or a dining table. Get inspired by these amazing classrooms below.
49 | Add a Classroom Couch
If you're lucky enough to have a large classroom you can add a full couch. Finish off the look with pretty throw pillows, a floor lamp and a coffee table.
50 | Add Small Homey Touches
Sometimes all you need to do is add small touches to create a home like atmosphere like the cute cacti on top of the bookshelf or the small table with the side chairs and throw pillows.
51 | Paint Stripes on the Walls
Ok, are you in love with this class too? Don’t worry I'm going to show it to you from every angle. I love how this teacher took the time to paint pink and white stripes on her wall to coordinate her class colors.
Of course, we have to talk about the round dining table and chairs, I mean I would love this in my house!
52 | Use Picnic Tables in the Classroom
What a fun seating idea! She put together two picnic tables to create a huge farmhouse style table with benches. All of the small touches are amazing too, the paper lanterns above the table give a chandelier like feel.
53 | Add Wallpaper in Your Classroom
Here's another angle of this amazing class by the superhero teacher that shows a wall of gorgeous wallpaper that balances with the pink in the room.
54 | A Pink Couch & More Fun Touches
Then there's her seating area with a pink couch, of course! Plus, all the pillows on the floor make a perfect spot for the students to gather to read or work on group projects.
55 | Choose Your Favorite Colors for Your Class
Another one of my favorites. I love how she chose a pretty color scheme of pink, yellow and grey and incorporates it in the area rug, throw pillows and even the small accents like the stool.
You could re-create a spot like this in your classroom with small furniture and home accents.
Find the Perfect Classroom Rug
What I love about adding a bright, fun rug to a space is it instantly livens up and adds interest to the room.
Check out how these teachers made colorful carpets the focal point of their class below and find out where to get your own work of art class rug.
56 | Bright Geometric Rug
She's having her own PDX airport moment, which I love. If you're not familiar with the reference I'm from Oregon and our airport in Portland has unique carpeting so when you return home, you have to take a picture of your feet on the carpet to show you're home.
When you create your amazing class, you may be inspired to do the same thing!
57 | Light Bulb Class Rug
I'm loving this bright lightbulb rug. It even fits with her theme of thinking outside the box.
58 | Squares Classroom Rug
Rugs with small squares work great in the classroom, everyone find a square and take a seat.
The Best Classroom Rugs on Amazon
Below are some of the best classroom rugs that I found and where to get them. Plus, if you don’t have space for a huge rug check out number five below, they're carpet circles that you can put anywhere.
Create an Amazing Reading Nook
All you need for a cozy reading nook is some fun seating and some cute pillows. Get inspired by some comfy and beautiful classroom reading nooks below.
Your kids will be motivated to read if you create an amazing spot like this. Bonus, at the end I'll also show you some adorable throw pillows for your space.
59 | Reading Bench with Storage
This teacher uses patio chairs, a bench with storage and some cute throw pillows to create a fun place to kick back with a book.
60 | Dr. Seuss Reading Corner
Your students' imagination would soar in a bright, colorful reading spot like this.
61 | Fireplace Reading Area
Let your kiddos imagine they're reading by a cozy fire. Wouldn’t they have so much fun? You can re-create this cozy nook with a couple of bean bag chairs and some creative wall displays.
62 | Create a Focal Wall for Your Reading Area
Create a focal wall with a simple inspirational saying on a large sheet of paper. If you don’t have the art skills, you can print the words and glue them on a paper. Add a bench and fun colorful pillows and you have yourself an epic reading nook.
63 | Add a Couple of Chairs to Your Reading a Nook
A reading nook can be as simple as two chairs and some book themed throw pillows and of course all the books!
64 | Floating Bookshelves & a Bench
You can re-create this fun reading nook with some floating bookshelves, a bench and a group of bright throw pillows.
65 | Fun Throw Pillows for Your Reading Nook
Did I mention you need awesome throw pillows for your reading nook? This teacher gets it, throw them on a bench and you have instant charm.
My Top Picks for Reading Nook Throw Pillows
Below check out my absolute favorite classroom throw pillows that would look amazing in your new reading nook this year!
Doughnut Pillow
Giraffe with Glasses Pillow
Positive Classroom Pillow
Display Pretty Printable Art
When you find the perfect printable art there are a ton of great ideas to display it in your class. I love the look of a simple clothespins and string or symmetrical frames. Plus, read to the end of this post to find out how to get some free classroom printables that I created!
66 | DIY Picture Frame Art Display
What a fun idea and even better you can re-create this display for cheap. Head to your local thrift shop or Goodwill and find an old frame and spray paint it your favorite color. Nail a few strings and clip some clothes pins and viola you have a display for your classroom printables.
67 | Create a Modern Inspiration Wall
For a simple yet beautiful modern look print inspirational messages on large paper and hang them in simple modern frames.
68 | Clothespin Art Display
Grab some string, clothespins and pretty bulletin board paper and you have a beautiful display for your printables. This bulletin board paper can be found here.
Make a Beautiful Space Just For You
This is the final step in setting up your classroom for back to school. It's very important to carve out a space for you that is organized and beautiful. You need a place to relax after a hectic day. I think that a clean, organized, clutter free space can really rejuvenate your soul. You deserve that, so make this one a priority.
Get a little inspiration from some gorgeous teacher desks plus, check out some pretty accessories for your desk below.
69 | Teacher Planning Zone
A beautiful planner is a must for your teacher space. This is your spot to plan the day, the week or the year.
Check out the Best Teacher Planners Here...The Ultimate Teacher Planner
70 | Fun Touches for Your Teacher Space
Your teacher space is the perfect spot to add those touches that are just you, like fun file folders or cheerful pen holders.
71 | Add Plants to Your Teacher Corner
It's a great idea to add plants to your desk to liven up the space literally. I also love how this teacher has repurposed a straw holder for pencils.
72 | Match Your Class Theme with Your Desk
This teacher matched her teacher desk area with the boho rainbow classroom theme. The result is a fun and beautiful area that blends seamlessly with the rest of the classroom.
73 | Best Finds for Your Teacher Space
Below check out some of my favorite finds to create your gorgeous teacher space.
Classroom Decoration Ideas
The next step after you have everything set up is the fun part decorating your classroom!
I have created separate posts for that check them out below.
Classroom Decoration Ideas
55 Best Classroom Decoration Ideas for Teachers
Ideas for You Classroom Walls
43 Best Interactive Word Wall Ideas for the Classroom
Ok, so you now have the best classroom setup ideas that you can take to create an epic classroom this year for your students just in time for back to school. Plus, you've seen tons amazing classrooms to get you inspired to start.
Hopefully you now have some ideas for classroom decorations, organization, teacher toolboxes, creating a gorgeous teacher space, a creative reading nook and more that you'll actually use this year. You have one of the hardest jobs on the planet I hope this post might help add a little fun and beauty to your hectic day!
Feel free to save your favorite ideas to you Pinterest boards, just click on the red P on the picture!