41 Clever Rewards for the Classroom
Are you looking for some new ideas for rewards for the classroom? If so, this post is for you. I’ll show you creative ideas including ideas for whole class reward systems as well as individuals and classroom behavior chart ideas. Some of these ideas are free or cheap and all will get your students excited to participate in your new, fun reward system.
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How to start a class reward system?
A class reward system is a great idea to create a positive learning environment in your class. Here are a few tips to set up your class reward system:
- Set goals for class behavior and discuss them.
- Explain to students what they can do to earn prizes.
- Get them excited about the reward system.
- When a reward is given tell them why they earned it.
Next you’ll want to think about what kind of prizes will get kids excited to earn them.
What kind of prizes to give students
Here are some ideas for student rewards:
- Desk pets
- A positive note sent home
- A piece of candy
- A trip to the sticker store
- Punch cards
- Brag tag badges
- Custom bookmarks
- Student reward tickets
- Fidgets
Check out all of these ideas and more in this post.
Classroom Reward Ideas
If you’re looking for some creative classroom reward ideas keep reading. I’ve found clever ideas that teachers have come up with that your students will love.
1 | Secret Prize Scratch Off Ticket
Image Source | teacherteacher_
This teacher created these scratch off reward vouchers. They are actually really easy to create. Here are the steps to create your own.
- Create a secret prize ticket with the name of a secret surprise in the middle.
- Print and cut the ticket.
- Stick scratch off stickers over the secret prize.
- When students earn their ticket, they scratch with a coin to reveal the surprise!
Scratch Off Stickers for Class Rewards
Scratch Off Circles | Find Them Here
Here is a 150 pack of scratch off circles that you can get on Amazon to create your award vouchers for students.
2 | Bucket Fillers
Image Source | fallingfor1st
This board is created with mini buckets and command hooks. Each student is assigned a number which correlates to their bucket. As a reward students can earn little warm fuzzies which they keep in their bucket. These fuzz balls can be turned in for class rewards.
3 | Sticker Store
Image Source | primaryfairytales
Chynna, a kindergarten teacher created this sticker store with a classroom pocket chart. Students will get more excited about class rewards if you have an awesome reward display like this one.
What's great about stickers is you can get a huge pack for cheap on Amazon. Check out my favorites below.
Cute Food Stickers
4 | Rewards for Classroom in Bubble Gum Machine
Image Source | fishmaninfourth
Teachers have been coming up with creative ways to use bubble gum machines in the classroom lately. Here’s one of my favorite ideas. Nicki, a fourth-grade teacher, implemented a house system in her classroom and wanted to have a fun way for the monthly house winners to pick a prize.
She bought vending machine capsules from Amazon and filled them with free or cheap incentives that she typed up. Some of the prizes include pick your seat for the day, pick a treat from the teacher or VIP for the day.
If you want to copy this idea, check out where you can get a bubble gum machine below.
Bubble Gum Machine for Class Rewards
5 | Prize Claw Machine
You could also try this same idea with prizes but use a claw machine. Have you ever met a kid that was not obsessed with a claw machine? One of the class prizes could be a chance to win a toy in the claw machine.
6 | Classroom Prize Drop
Image Source | thetallyteacher
This first-grade teacher, Courtney, bought a prize drop and then customized it with a little paint. If you want to try this in your class first you’ll choose an incentive for the prize drop like completing homework, being kind or being on task for the sub.
Students then earn a token that can be dropped on the board for a prize. They earn the reward based on where the token lands. Some prize ideas are lunch buddy, computer time or a homework pass.
7 | Sprinkle Kindness Jar
The best part of this award is the presentation. This jar has a magnet on it and can be hung on your magnetic board.
Each time a student shows kindness they can add a sprinkle to the jar. When the jar is filled up the class will earn a reward like sprinkled doughnuts for the entire class!
Classroom Reward Chart Ideas
Another way to get students excited about your new reward system is to create a classroom reward chart. Read on to see some creative classroom reward chart ideas you’ll want to copy.
8 | Mystery Reward Chart
Image Source | lololoveslearning
Lauren, a first-grade teacher from Wisconsin created this mystery reward chart for her students. When the class shows a positive behavior trait listed on the post it note, the note is removed.
Some of the notes say; kind words all day, appropriate noise levels and quiet walking in the hall. Under each note is a special mystery class reward like a dance party.
9 | Bubble Gum Machine Chart
Image Source | classwithcaitlin
In this classroom when a student completes a literacy or numeracy goal they can write it on a ball and then pop in into the machine. Then when the gum ball machine is filled up the class will earn a reward.
10 | Class Reward Jar
This is another pretty visual way to reward the class. Choose how the class can earn each star. Then when the jar is filled up the class earns a fun reward like a pizza party.
Free Rewards for Students in Classroom
Are you looking for some reward for students that are free? Let’s check out some ideas that you can create yourself.
11 | Reward Passes
Image Source | msrachelvincent
Print off passes that students would love to earn as a prize. This is one of the best free incentives for students.
Rewards for Students That are Free
Here are some free reward ideas that you can print off on reward passes:
- Skip homework
- Remove shoes for one hour
- Extra recess time
- Sit in the teacher’s chair
- Lunch with a group of friends
- Free choice time
- Game time with a friend
- Choose your seat for the day
- Extra technology time
12 | Personalized Bookmarks
Image Source | learningcove
Krista, a third-grade teacher from California made these personalized bookmarks for students as an incentive. This is a great free reward idea if you’re crafty!
Whole Classroom Rewards
Creating a system to reward the entire class is a great way to encourage teamwork. Check out some clever classroom reward ideas to get the class excited about earning a class incentive.
13 | Custom Reward Jar
This reward jar can be customized with your name, and the whatever reward tokens match your classroom theme or colors.
14 | Compliment Wreath
Image Source | kelsiesclassroom
Kelsie, a fifth-grade teacher from Alabama created a compliment wreath. In this classroom every time the students receive a compliment from an adult other than the teacher they tie a ribbon on the compliment wreath.
The students love to watch it grow and it becomes pretty décor for the classroom. At the end of the year the teacher raffles it off for a student to take home.
15 | Digital Rewards
Image Source | missrodgersss
In this first-grade classroom the teacher, Miss Rodgers, uses digital slides so the students can easily see the goal and how far they have to go to achieve it.
16 | Stay Awesome Jar
Here’s another cute reward jar. I love the positive message on this one and the smiley faces!
Fun Whole Class Rewards
You may be looking for some fun classroom reward ideas for the entire class. You’ll want to think of ideas that the class will get excited about earning such as a special day that they can look forward to. Keep reading for some student favorites.
What are some fun whole-class rewards?
Here are some ideas for fun whole class rewards:
- Pizza party
- Hat day
- Extra recess
- Dance party
- Bring a toy to class day
- Popcorn party
- Pajama day or dress up day
- Listen to music while working
- Treat for the class like donuts or cookies
- Movie Day
- Special picnic lunch
- Ice cream sundae party
- Game day
17 | Cookie Compliments
Image Source | teachingwithmissngo
When this first-grade class earns a compliment from an adult at the school they earn a cookie on their cookie chart. When the chart is filled, they earn delicious cookies! The students are learning to work together and to make positive choices and are helping to build a classroom community!
18 | Dance Party Reward
Image Source | primaryfairytales
Here’s an easy classroom reward chart idea to re-create. Just add some sort of boxes to check off. When all boxes or stars are checked the class will earn a fun group reward like a dance party.
19 | Pizza Reward Chart
Image Source | lifebetweensummers
To re-create this award chart just write the behaviors that you want to encourage on post it notes. The incentive that the class earns is underneath the notes and is earned once all of the sticky notes are removed.
Individual Classroom Rewards
Does you class incentive system reward individual students for good behavior? If so then check out some creative ideas for individual rewards for students that they’re sure to get excited about.
20 | Student Reward Tickets
Image Source | acupcakefortheteacher
This teacher purchased a roll of raffle tickets for class incentives. Students can earn tickets every day and at the end of each week a few names are drawn to earn a prize. Check out where you can get a roll of tickets to copy this idea.
Class Reward Tickets
21 | Happy Mail Slips
These are the perfect slips keep parents in the know when their kid is being awesome! When a student shows great behavior for the day you can send one of these happy mail slips home to their parents! You can find these printable happy mail slips here.
22 | Student Reward Wheel
Image Source | misscabrerascorner
Would your students be excited to spin a prize wheel like this? This teacher found a wheel at IKEA, they also have some spin wheels on Amazon that you can check out here. She then printed off incentives that the students would like to earn like: extra 10 minutes of free time, pick a sticker or extra tech time.
23 | V.I.P. Students
Image Source | mustdothattomorrow
In this classroom if a student exbibits excellent behavior all week on that Friday they are announced as a VIP student for the next week. Each VIP gets a desk tote filled with supplies such as a VIP lanyard, special markers and toys.
You could have VIP students get special perks all week like being first in line, getting their choice of the classroom jobs or a special seat.
24 | Math Punch Cards
Image Source | hangingwithmrshulsey
You can create punch cards and students can earn punches for getting 100% on assignments. Then they earn a reward when their card is completely punched!
Preschool Class Rewards
If you’re teaching younger students, the best ideas for reward systems are fun and sometimes silly. Check out some ideas below.
25 | Mr. Potato Head Reward
Image Source | sweetandpetiteteacher
This is a fun incentive idea that youngers children will love. This idea was created by Angela, a teacher from Northern California. Each time the class lines up nicely, works quietly or gets a compliment from another teacher they earn a piece for Mr. Potato Head. When he is complete the class earns a treat!
26 | Lucky Ducks
Image Source | teachingwithhay
A fun visual will help students get excited about the class reward. First this class decides what incentive they are trying to earn. Then they earn a ducky when they work together, show positive behavior and root for each other.
When the jar is filled the class earns the prize. If you want to try this idea in your class you can find a set of rubber ducks here.
Class Reward System
Check out some ideas for reward systems. These ideas will help keep you organized with your prizes and help students understand your reward system.
27 | Class Money System
Image Source | mrsbastone
This teacher created Bitmoji money that students can earn for a shopping trip in the class store. If you want to implement class money, explain to the class how they will earn and how they can spend this money.
28 | Rewards for Classroom Box
Image Source | confettiteacher
This teacher transformed this small storage box from Michaels into a pretty class reward station. This helps keep the class prizes organized and looks great too.
29 | Class Reward Display Idea
Image Source | lashes_and_littles
A pocket chart works perfectly to display classroom rewards so students can easily see their choices and pick their favorite.
Class Management Reward Ideas
You can find ways to tie your reward system into your class management strategies. Check out some ideas below.
30 | Desk Pets
Image Source | coffeefueledclassroom
Desk pets are animal erasers that have become a popular classroom management tool.
I wrote an entire post talking about it, you can read it here...
Desk Pets (15 Creative Ideas to Try This Year)
31 | Sub Tickets
Sub Tickets | Find Them Here
You can use sub tickets as a way to entice students to be on their best behavior while you're away. Ask your sub to be on the lookout for students that are making good choices and doing a great job to reward with a ticket. Then the students can cash them in with you for a small prize when you return.
32 | Class Reward Cups
Image Source | mrs.thomasthirdgrade
Mrs. Thomas, a third-grade teacher, used some unused space on her class wall to create this reward cup station. She got these ice-cream cups at the Dollar Store. They also have cute ice-cream cups on Amazon that you can find here.
Students earn tickets that they can place into the cups at the end of the day. The tickets can be used to redeem awards.
Secondary School Reward Ideas
A lot of the reward ideas for elementary students won’t work for your middle schoolers or high schoolers that aren’t easily impressed with animal erasers. But they still love class incentives. Read on to see some reward ideas that secondary students will love.
33 | Stickers
Image Source | missfee123
Stickers are a great award for older students because they like to put them on their water bottles, notebooks or give to friends. Check out some stickers that your students would love below.
Pack of 200 Stickers
34 | Candy
Image Source | bubblyblondeteachers
Have you ever met a middle school or high school student that didn’t love candy? Candy is the perfect incentive for preteens and teenagers. If you find an attractive way to display your candy it will help you to enforce the incentives.
You can find some similar plastic jars for candy here.
35 | Middle School Reward Tickets
Image Source | learningtoshine
Another reward idea for middle schoolers is to give them tickets that they actually want. Here are some ideas:
Middle School Reward Ideas
- Only do the odd questions on your homework assignment
- Shoes off for class
- Tech break for 10 minutes
- Pass on one assignment
- Draw for 10 minutes
Cheap Rewards for Students
Are you looking for some reward ideas that won’t break the bank. Check out these idea that won’t cost too much and your students will love.
36 | Brag Tags
Image Source | misslivesey
This teacher created these brag tags herself and then bought lanyards on Amazon. Your initial investment is a little over $10 for a pack of about 12 lanyards.
What’s great about this is you can use them over and over again if you laminate the tags. Students love to show off their success by wearing their tag.
37 | Star Student Bracelet
Many students love collecting bracelets so this idea will be a class favorite. You can hand out a positive bracelet when you see a student exhibiting great behavior.
38 | Pick from the Treasure Box
Image Source | rockinresources
Here’s an easy class reward idea. Find a small container and fill it with candy treats and small toys and erasers. As an incentive for great behavior have your students choose from the class treasure box.
Student Favorite Classroom Reward Ideas
If you’re looking for some ideas for rewards for the classroom that are sure to be winners check out some proven student favorites below.
39 | Pop Fidgets
Fidgets are a kid favorite so why not add them to your classroom prize bucket?
40 | Teacher Vs. Class Rewards
Image Source | teachthisauas
Race the teacher is a reward game where students race the teacher to see who makes it to the finish line first. Students love this game.
You can try this in your classroom by choosing a behavior that you want the class to work towards. Then you choose a class reward and determine the number of points needed for the reward.
The class earns points when the behavior is displayed, and the teacher earns points when it is not. If the class gets the point total before the teacher, they win the prize.
41 | Prize Vending Machine
Image Source | craftingintheclassroom
A vending machine is a fun way to display class prizes. A teacher tip is put only small rewards like small candy or small erasers in there or they’ll get stuck. Check out below where you can get a vending machine on Amazon.
Small Vending Machine
I hope you enjoyed these classroom reward ideas. Pick your favorite and try it in your class this year to add a little fun while encouraging good behavior. Feel free to save your favorite ideas to your Pinterest boards. To do that just click on the picture, then the p and choose your board.
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