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The Best February Classroom Themes & Activities

If you’re looking for some February classroom themes you’ve come to the right place. I’ll show you tons of theme ideas and what lessons you can base off of these themes. I’ve included ideas for February preschool themes as well as elementary ideas too!

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February Classroom Themes

Even though it’s the shortest month of the year there are tons of February themes that you can plan your learning around including these:

  • Black History Month (The month of February)
  • Valentine’s Day (February 14th)
  • Groundhogs Day (February 2nd)
  • Presidents Day (The 3rd Monday in February)
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17th)
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month (The month of February)
  • Superbowl (Second Sunday in February)
  • 100th Day of School (This may fall in February depending on the school start date)

For each of these February classroom themes let’s check out some discussion ideas, learning activities, book suggestions and more! We’ll explore ideas for preschool, kindergarten and younger elementary students as well as older elementary students too!

Black History Month Classroom Theme

February classroom theme Black history month

February is Black History Month and is a great time to celebrate diversity and teach children about the contributions of black American throughout time. Check out some great ideas below to celebrate Black History Month in your classroom this year!

Learning Activities for Younger Students

  • Hero Stories-Share stories of important figures of black history like Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and Mae Jemison. Focus on themes like fairness, bravery and following your dreams.
  • Cultural Contributions- Discuss the contributions of African Americans in music, art and sports. Teach them about Louis Armstrong, Alma Thomas or Serena Williams.

Learning Activities for Older Students

  • Civil Rights Movement- Discuss the key events like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March on Washington and the role of leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks and John Lewis.
  • African American Inventors- Highlight inventors like Garrett Morgan (Traffic light) or George Washington Carver (agricultural inventions).

Discussion Ideas for Younger Students

  • What is Fair-Talk about fairness using simple scenarios and then connect it to stories about people who fought for justice.
  • Celebrate Differences-Use class diversity to talk about how differences make everyone special.

Discussion Ideas for Older Students

  • Ongoing Equality-Compare historical struggles with current movements of racial justice. Discuss how things have improved and what still needs to change.
  • Media Representation-Talk about why it’s important to have diverse representation in movies, shows, books and other media.

Best Books for Black History Month Book

Black History Month Hands-On Activities for Younger Students

  • Freedom Quilt Squares- Teach children about quilt patterns used in the Underground Railroad. Then have each student design their own freedom squares. Assemble them all together to create a classroom quilt.
  • Handprint Unity Wreath-Have student trace and color their handprints. Then create a class wreath made up of all the handprints to symbolize unity and diversity.

Black History Month Activities for Older Students

  • Biography-Have each student choose an African American historical figure to research and write a paper on.
  • Black History Timeline- Students can create a timeline of key events in black history like the civil rights movement or the Harlem Renaissance.

Valentine’s Day Classroom Theme

Valentine's Day classroom theme

February 14th is Valentine’s Day, and it might be one of the first February classroom themes you think of.  This is a great opportunity to discuss themes like kindness, friendship and introduce heart themed learning activities in your classroom. Check out some fun ideas below to learn and celebrate Valentine’s Day with your class this year!

Valentine’s Day Fun Activities for Younger Students

  • Use heart themes in your learning. For example, use construction paper to cut out paper conversation hearts with a lower-case letter on one and an upper case on the other. Then have students match them.
  • Sorting Hearts-Here’s a great activity to develop those fine motor skills. Have students sort heart papers, candy hearts, or beads by size, color or pattern. Then have them count them too!

Valentine’s Day Activities for Older Students

  • Poetry-Have students write acrostic poems, haikus or free verse poems using Valentine’s Day themes like love, friendship or kindness.
  • Kindness Writing Prompts-Provide student with a prompt like, “Describe a time that someone was nice to you.”

Valentine Discussion Ideas

  • During circle time have students say something nice about the person sitting next to them.
  • Discuss ways to show kindness to others or how to be a good friend.

Best Valentine’s Day Books for School

Groundhogs Day Classroom Theme

Groundhog day classroom theme for February

February 2nd is Groundhog Day.  This is the day that Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his den and if he sees his shadow there will be 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow, then spring will come early. This is a great theme to teach students about the seasons, weather and predictions.

Fun Learning Activities for Groundhog Day

  • Shadow Measurement- Use flashlights and objects to explore how shadows change size. If it’s a sunny day you can go outside an explore shadows.
  • Graphing- Create a class graph of predictions of whether the groundhog will see his shadow or not.

Best Groundhogs Day Books

Presidents Day Theme for the Classroom

Presidents day classroom activities

Presidents Day is the third Monday in February. This is the perfect time to teach about the roles of leaders, and the history of significant presidents throughout history.

Presidents Day Discussion Ideas

  • What is a great leader? Lead a class discussion on what traits make someone a great leader. You can do a class brainstorm and have students write their opinion.

President’s Day Preschool Activities

  • Letter Recognition and Name Recognition of Presidents- Using simple cards with famous presidents is the perfect way for little learners to practice name and letter recognition this month.
  • President’s Day writing prompt-Have students complete this writing prompt, “If I were president.” To write about what they would do if they were the president.
  • Coin counting and sorting. Introduce pennies with Lincoln and quarters with Washington and have children sort and count coins.

President’s Day Activities for Older Students

  • Biography of George Washington-Have students research the first president of the United States of America and write a biography about him.
  • Historical Debates- Organize a debate about a controversial president’s decision such as Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, or FDRs new deal.

President’s Day Books

Random Acts of Kindness Day Classroom Theme

Random Acts of Kindness Classroom ideas

Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17th. Kindness is one of the best February classroom themes to plan lessons around! This is a great opportunity to teach students about empathy, kindness and the joy of helping others. If you want to focus on this theme in your classroom, check out some ideas to do that below.

Kindness Discussion Ideas

  • Brainstorm Kindness Ideas- Discuss different ways that we can show kindness to our classmates.
  • Talk about how it feels when someone is kind to you.

Random Acts of Kindness Classroom Activities

  • I can by kind by writing prompt. Have students write about ways that they can show kindness. You can display their ideas on a classroom bulletin board.
  • Make Cards for Others- Create cards with drawings and nice messages for those who work at the school like the cafeteria workers, custodians or the school nurse.

Kindness Books

National Children’s Dental Health Month Classroom Theme

February classroom themes for Preschool

 The month of February is National Children’s Dental Health Month. This is a great time to teach students about dental hygiene and the importance of taking care of our teeth.

Dental Month Discussion Topics

  • Healthy Dental Habits-Explain why brushing and flossing and eating healthy foods helps us keep our teeth healthy and clean.
  • Why do we need teeth- Talk about the different jobs of teeth such as biting, chewing and smiling and why we eat with our teeth.

Dental Health Activities

  • Dentist Role Playing- Set up a pretend dentist office with toothbrushes, floss and mirrors. Have children pretend to be dentists and patients.
  • Dental Word Wall- Introduce words like tooth, brush, floss and dentist. Have students write the meaning or trace the letters of the words.

Dental Health Books

Super Bowl Classroom Theme Ideas

February classroom theme Super Bowl

Super Bowl is the second Sunday in February. The Super Bowl can be a fun theme for school. You can focus on teaching about teamwork, good sportsmanship, and numbers. Check out some creative ideas below.

Football Theme Discussion Ideas

  • Teamwork-Talk about the importance of teamwork and other areas besides sports where it is important.
  • Being a good sport- Talk about how players shake hands after the game and how you can show respect and have good sportsmanship whether you win or lose.

Educational Activities for the Super Bowl

  • Graphing Team Favorites. Have students pick the team that they want to win and graph their favorites with bar graphs.
  • Score Counting- Read the events of past Super Bowl games to students and have them practice keeping score by adding 6 points for each touchdown, 3 points for a field goal and 2 points for a safety. After each touchdown the team can go for one extra point by kicking the ball through the goal posts or go for a two point conversion by running another play.

Football Books

100th Day of School Classroom Theme Ideas

100th day of school classroom ideas

The 100th day of school is a great opportunity to teach students about reflection, the number 100 and counting. Check out some fun ideas below to celebrate the 100th day in your classroom this year.

100th Day of School Classroom Discussion Ideas

  • Reflect on the past 100 days. What was the most fun thing done is school so far?
  • Imagine 100 Years in the Future- What do you think the world will be like in 100 years?

100 Days of School Activities

  • Counting to 100- Have students gather and count 100 small items like beads, coins, buttons or paperclips.
  • 100 Drops of Water-Use a dropper to see what 100 drops of water looks like.
  • When I’m 100 years old portrait. Have students draw pictures of themselves at 100 years old.
  • 100 Acts of Kindness Chain-Write acts of kindness on strips of paper to create a kindness chain. Challenge the class to complete 100 Acts of Kindness.

Books for the 100th Day of School

I hope you have found some fun and engaging February classroom themes to use in your class this year.

Here are some more posts that will give you ideas to use in your class for February-

25 Best February Classroom Bulletin Board Ideas

41 Fun Valentines Day Ideas for School

31 Classroom Black History Month Bulletin Board Ideas

50 Fun & Engaging 100 Days of School Ideas for Teachers

29 Cute Valentine’s Day Classroom Door Decorating Ideas

25 Fun Valentine’s Day Classroom Party Ideas

20 Best Valentine Ideas from Teacher to Student

50 Fun Valentine’s Day Bulletin Board Ideas Classroom Inspo