50 Fun Indoor Classroom Games for the Entire Class or Recess
If you’re looking for some new and fun indoor classroom games, then you’ve come to the right place. I’ll show you tons of fun games for indoor recess, and learning games too from preschool all the way through high school
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Fun Indoor Classroom Games
This post has some fun indoor game ideas for students of all ages and others that are age specific. Some will work for your entire class to have fun together and others are better for small groups or a rainy-day recess.
I’ve included some fun indoor classroom games that are educational while others are the perfect brain breaks. I’ve organized the post in sections so you can find the perfect games for your classroom.
Quick Games to Play in the Classroom
These are all quick transition games and brain breaks for the whole class that work well for all ages of students.
1 | Silent Ball
Here’s a great way to keep your class quiet while having fun.
- How to play- Children stand amount the room passing a small soft ball or a bean bag and try to keep it moving without speaking. If someone drops that ball or makes a noise they’re out.
- Speed round, increase the speed at which the players have to pass the ball.
- One Hand Round- Players can only use one hand when passing the ball.
2 | Count to 21
- All students stand up and one student at a time starts counting in no particular order. If two students say a number at the same time the entire class has to start over.
- Reverse Countdown Have players count from 21 to 0.
- Non-Verbal Round- Students must communicate the numbers with gestures and hand signals only.
3 | Four Corners
- To play label 4 corners of the room 1 to 4. One person stands in the middle of the room with their eyes closed. Students silently choose a corner of the room and gather there.
- The person in the middle calls out a number and all of those students in that corner are out. Repeat until there is only one person left.
4 | Desert Island
To Play-
- The teacher picks a category and does not tell the students. The teacher says I’m Going to a desert island and I’m bringing this item. The item fits into the secret category. The students try to guess the category correctly.
- Students take turns asking if they can come to the desert island and tell the teacher what they will be bringing. If the item fits the teacher’s category, she says yes you can come and then she writes the item on the board. If the item does not fit the category, she says no you cannot come.
5 | Password
- To play this game first call one student up to the front of the class and have them turn so their back faces the whiteboard. Then write a mystery word or password on the whiteboard. The class has to give clues to the one student so they can guess the word.
6 | Rock Paper Scissor War
Here’s a classic indoor game that you can turn into an entire class activity.
- All students start off playing rock paper scissors with one classmate. If they win they are still in and the loser remains seated. Keep going until only one person is left.
7 | Eleven
- Have your class stand or sit in a circle. Explain to the class that to play all they need to do is to be able to count to 11. Each student is allowed to say 1, 2 or 3 numbers at a time. The sequence must go in numerical order. When it comes to your turn if you have to say the number 11 you are out. Then it starts back and 1 and repeats.
8 | Heads up Seven Up
I remember playing this classic game way back when I was in elementary school!
Here’s how to play:
- Select 7 students to be the pickers. Ther rest of the class will sit down with their eyes closed and heads down on their desk and their thumb up.
- The pickers walk around quietly and gently press down one person’s thumb. Once a thumb is pressed the pickers stand at the front of the room.
- After all pickers have chosen, the caller says, “Heads up, seven up!” This signals the sitting players to lift their heads and open their eyes.
- Guessing: The 7 people whose thumbs were pressed stand up. Each of them guesses who picked them. If they guess correctly, they switch places with their picker. If they guess wrong, the picker keeps their role.
Educational Games
Next, Let’s check out some educational games to help students review class lessons. These games will work well for all ages of students.
9 | Spelling Bee
- Divide students into teams or let them compete individually.
- Challenge them with progressively harder words to spell. When they spell a word wrong, they are out.
10 | Jeopardy Trivia Quiz
- Prepare questions based on subjects your class is learning.
- Include categories like science, history, and pop culture for variety.
11 | Word Association
- One student says a word, and the next has to say a related word.
- Great for improving vocabulary and quick thinking.
- If they cannot think of a word within a couple of seconds they are out.
12 | Pictionary
- Use a whiteboard or large pad to draw clues for vocabulary words, historical events, or concepts.
13 | Math Relay
- Teams solve math problems to “pass the baton” to the next teammate.
Math Games with Playing Cards
Here are some fun math learning games that all you need is a pack of cards to play.
14 | I Spy
- Have students pair up and place cards face up in rows.
- Student 1 says I spy two cards with a sum of 12.
- Student 2 tries to find the two cards that match.
15 | Pick Three
- Place cards face down in row.
- Students choose 3 cards and attempt to make a number sentence with them. (2 X 3=6)
- If the number sentence can be made that student can keep the cards.
- The player with the most cards wins.
- This can be done with addition, subtraction or multiplication.
16 | Make a Prime
- Place cards face down in rows.
- Turn over two cards and find a total.
- Determine if the number made is prime.
- Students get to keep the cards if they can make a prime number.
- The student with the most cards at the end wins.
17 | Improper Fraction War
- Students get into small groups.
- Each students turns over two card and creates a fraction with the larger number as the numerator.
- Students all turn the improper fraction into a mixed number.
- The player with the largest mixed number wins the cards.
Movement and Active Games
If you’re looking for some ideas to help your students get out some of that pent-up energy, then this section is for you. Read on for some fun indoor activities to get your class moving.
18 | Charades
- Write the charades words on pieces of paper to create the Charades cards. For younger students you can include a picture as well. For an educational spin you can include in the words; book titles, historical figures, or science terms or anything else that the class is learning.
- One student will draw a charades card and act out what is on the card for the classmates to guess.
- If you guess correctly you get to go next.
19 | Freeze Dance
- Play music; when it stops, students must freeze in place.
- If you’re caught moving you’re out.
20 | Red Light Green Light
This classic game is a favorite of younger students and a great way to expend energy. You’ll have to have enough space for this one.
- The caller will stand at the front of the class with their back to the students and yell green light. At this time students will try to move as fast as they can to the front of the class.
- Then they yell red light and turn and who over they catch moving is out.
- The first person to make it to the finish line at the front of the room wins.
21 | Musical Chairs
This is another classic that young students have fun with.
- When the music stops students have to find a chair.
- Keep removing chairs until there is only one left.
Creative Classroom Games
22 | Mystery Bag
- Put items in a non-see-through bag and pass the bag around the classroom. Each student can have the bag for one minute.
- Students have to guess what items are by touch and write them on a sheet of paper.
- The person with the most correct wins.
23 | 20 Questions
- One student thinks of an object, and others ask yes/no questions to figure it out.
24 | Guess Who/What I Am
- Students wear a card on their back and ask classmates questions to guess the word.
25 | Scavenger Hunt (indoor version)
- Hide small items around the room, and give students clues to find them.
Team Building and Icebreaker Games
26 | Two Truths and a Lie
- Each student shares three statements about themselves; others guess the lie.
27 | Human Knot
- Students hold hands randomly, then work together to untangle themselves.
28 | Pass the Story
- For this game you’ll just need a ball. One student starts a story while holding the “talking ball”, and others add to it when passed the ball.
29 | Tower Building
- Teams use materials like blocks or cards to build the tallest tower.
30 | Balloon Keep-Up
- Keep a balloon in the air without letting it touch the ground.
Indoor classroom games for preschoolers and Kindergarteners
31 | Simon Says
- A classic game to encourage listening and following directions for younger students.
32 | Animal Walks
- Call out animals (e.g., “Hop like a frog!”) and let the kids mimic their movements.
33 | Balloon Relay Race
- To play make two rows of chairs with a bucket at the end. The person at the front of each chair line gets a balloon.
- Children have to pass the balloon backwards and the last person puts the balloon in the bucket.
34 | Parachute Play
- Use a large play parachute and have students sit in a circle all holding the edges. Instruct students to stand up together, shake it gently, make waves, or bounce balls on it and then have one student go under at a time.
35 | Follow the Leader
- One child leads, and others mimic their movements (clapping, hopping, or waving).
Ice Breaker and Getting to Know You Games for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners.
The next few fun indoor classroom games are perfect icebreakers for the beginning of the school year for younger students to start to get to know each other.
36 | Circle Roll
- Sit in a circle and roll a ball to each other while calling out names or colors.
37 | Pass the Object
- Use a soft ball or toy and pass it around while singing a song. Stop the music and ask the child holding it to share something about themselves (for example their favorite color).
Indoor Games for 6-12 Year Olds
38 | Mr. Squiggle
- To set up- Mr. Squiggle first select three artists and a judge. The teacher will draw three identical letters on the whiteboard. The judge waits outside the room so they don’t see who draws each.
- To Play- Students have one minute to turn the squiggle into a masterpiece. The judge comes back in the room and erases two and leave the squiggle that they determine is the best.
39 | Mystery Box
- Place objects in a box and let kids guess what they are by feeling them.
40 | Dress-Up Relay
Create a relay race where kids must put on a fun costume piece and race to the next person.
41 | I Spy
- Play an easy version by saying, “I spy something red!” and letting them guess.
42 | Color Sorting Race
- Provide colored blocks or balls and have children sort them into matching containers.
43 | Puzzle Stations
- Set up puzzles around the room and let kids work in small groups to complete them.
44 | Memory Match
- Use simple cards with pictures to create a matching game.
Indoor Recess Games for Elementary Students
Now let’s check out some favorite indoor recess games or games that students can play during free play time. I’ll show you some fun board games and great group games for elementary students.
45 | The Secret of Our School Escape Room Game
If you see some rainy days in the weather forecast this week then you might want to get and print off this fun escape room game. Students can break into small groups to solve challenges and puzzles to try to find the secret of the school! You can find this printable escape room game on Etsy here.
46 | The Settlers of Catan
This is a great game for upper elementary students because it promotes critical thinking, resource management and it encourage players to build settlements and trade resources. You can find the Settlers of Catan here.
47 | Taco vs. Burrito
This is the perfect game for indoor recess time because have kids so much fun with it and it’s a quick game so there is enough time to play a couple of games during recess. It’s a simple game but it will involve students using strategy. You can find Taco Vs. Burrito here.
48 | Blokus
Here’s another great indoor game that’s perfect for rainy day recess. In this game students aim to place their pieces on the board while blocking their opponents. It’s an abstract strategy game that enhances both spatial awareness and critical thinking skills. You can find Blokus here.
Fun Indoor Classroom Games Middle School and High School
Now let’s check out some fun indoor classroom games that are perfect for older kids.
49 | Grudge Ball
Grudge ball is a fun game to play before a test to review key facts.
- Trash Can
- White Board
- Plush Ball
- Slides with review questions on them
How to Play
- Divide the class into teams of 2 to 4 students each
- Each team begins with 10 Xs on the white board
- Display review questions and teams take turns answering the questions.
- If a team answers correctly they can erase an X from the other team. They can also shoot the ball into the trash can to earn a chance to steal an X from the other team to add to their team. But if they miss the shot they don’t erase the X.
50 | Balloon Volleyball
- Divide the class into teams and use a balloon instead of a volleyball. Use desks or chairs as a net.
Human Tic-Tac-Toe
- Create a large tic-tac-toe grid on the floor with tape. Students are the Xs and Os and must strategize to win.
Relay Races
- Create indoor-friendly relays like balancing an object on a spoon. Have each student solve a riddle or a math problem or answer a question before they pass the object to their teammate.
I hope you found some new indoor classroom games that you’re going to try this year. Feel free to save this post to Pinterest for future reference. To do that just click on any of the pictures and then the P and choose your board.
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